Multiple vehicle collisions
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Single-car accidents — Accidents involving only one vehicle are also common. They occur when a vehicle strikes an object such as a pole, a tree, a fire hydrant or a wall. In some cases, they may involve pedestrians and other innocent bystanders. Single-car collisions can result in driver and passenger injuries, pedestrian injuries, and often extensive property damage.
Vehicle rollover — Vehicle rollover accidents are extremely dangerous and frightening. A rollover occurs when a vehicle literally flips over onto its side or roof. Any vehicle can be involved in a rollover accident, but cars with a high center of gravity such as SUVs (sport utility vehicles) are especially prone to this type of accident. Often caused by sharp turns at high speed, rollover accidents can lead to serious injuries, including spinal cord injuries
Sideswipe collisions — Sideswipe collisions occur when two cars that are parallel touch. In many cases, the damage is only minor, as the cars have just “swiped” each other. Injuries and damages are typically minimal, unless one of the drivers loses control of the vehicle as a result of the collision.