Suryavansh Law Firm, Advocates & Solicitors is always looking for people with wide range of legal skills, knowledge, managerial skills, dynamic and hardworking and have a commitment to a career with us. As a successful organization we are an equal opportunity firm and take great care to hire talents after putting them through rigorous technical, behavioral and competency based assessment to those who have an outstanding, academic record or have experience as practicing attorney or staff. If you are one of them then Suryavansh Law Firm may have job for you.

In this section you will find details of our current vacancies. There are opportunities for those whether starting in your career or looking to take that next step.



We run several opportunities for :

   Students :

Our internship program runs through the year to give your career a head start. You can directly process our internship program.

   Professional :

We hire meritorious candidates through a rigorous process that involve interview process.

   Management and Support :

Candidates seeking to join us as management professional, administrative or professional support staff can join us.


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Date of Birth:

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Present Organization:

Email address:


Your Resume:


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